Wednesday, December 17, 2008

SANmelody 2.0 PSP 4 and SANsymphony 6.0 PSP3

New PSP releases available:
• Reclaim unused storage in Thin Provisioning/NMV pools. A new command line utility,
DcsNMVcleanup.exe, is now provided. Please see Technical Bulletin 16 for details on how to prepare your application servers, and how use this tool on storage servers. In a future release, this feature will be invoked via a GUI option.
For more info:
• Improved AIM performance and usability; improve event message logging for group operations at the destination.
• Improve the speed of Thin Provisioning/NMV pool initialization.
• Allow the Persistent Reserve option to be set per virtual volume. This may be set on the Virtual Volume Properties dialog box.
• Do not perform unnecessary full mirror recoveries following a storage server crash for virtual volumes that do not need to be recovered. Improve event log messages for this scenario.